Super cute vintage collection of plastic?celluloid frames. All highly decorative .
One frame is a beautiful eggshell blue – green with gold gilding. Instant wall decor. Each frame has a lattice backing in plastic. 3 have glass fronts.
1 has the glass missing. The small frame has a stand. The 2 oblong ones are stamped registered designs, Made in Hong Kong.
A beautiful large Italian frame with flourishes,scrolling and gold gilding.
Someone has painted it with shades of mauve, yellow and aqua. It could be stripped back to show the gold gilding again. Reads “Made Italy”.
I only have the front of the frame, no backing.
Empty frames can add a touch of shabby chic glamour anywhere in your home or a group them in one colour.
All frames can be purchased from my shop Nostalgi with world-wide shipping to your door.
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